Supporting Your Talents

West Moreton Anglican College offers a diverse range of academic and specialist scholarship opportunities for existing and prospective students in their pursuit of individual excellence.

WestMAC's scholarship program is designed to not only support and celebrate students who have strengths and expertise, but to further nurture and develop talent and skills. As a College of opportunities, students will receive many avenues to excel including access to expert and high-level coaches and teachers, programs and competitions.

WestMAC participates in 16 key sports while there are 34-plus extra-curricular opportunities including in music, dance, drama, equestrian, agriculture and visual art and the College offers 67 subjects to study.

All applicants (Academic and Specialist) must sit the Scholarship Exam which takes place at the College. Academic Scholarships are awarded based on the results of the Scholarship Exam. Specialist Scholarships are awarded from the results of the Scholarship Exam, current school results, practical performance (if relevant) and an interview/audition.

Scholarships Opportunities Available:
  • Academic
  • Agriculture
  • Art
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Equestrian
  • Language (Japanese or Chinese)
  • Music
  • Sport

Applying for a scholarship

Step 1 - Click below to review the Scholarship Information Handbook to understand what you need to provide as part of your application. Compile all the requested information (specific to the type of scholarship) in the form of a Resume Application

Step 2 - Click below to complete the Scholarship Application Form and upload a Scholarship Resume along with supporting documents – report cards, Naplan results, awards and certificates etc. by the 21 February 2025. 

Step 3 - Register and Pay for the Scholarship Exam by clicking below. Applications close 21st February 2025.

Please note:

Academic Scholarships are awarded based on the results of the Scholarship Exam.

Special Talent Scholarships are awarded from the results of the Scholarship Exam, current school results, practical performance (if relevant) and an interview/audition.

Parent Experience

“WestMAC is a wonderful College that has provided our daughter with supportive, caring and encouraging teachers. As well as support staff and coaches that go above and beyond to help her achieve her absolute best. The WestMAC program has helped her strive to a higher level in her chosen sports, but has also involved her in other sports that she wouldn’t have necessarily played and is now loving. The facilities and space on offer at WestMAC are fantastic and give our daughter an inspirational and peaceful place to learn and grow as a strong and independent young lady. We will be so ever grateful for everything WestMAC.”

Jennifer. L Parent - Sport Scholarship Holder

Student Experience

“I chose to come to WestMAC because of the coaching, the programs including the drills, and the facilities of the College, which are above other schools, especially the high-performance gym and there is a whole shed of equipment. The benefits of being at WestMAC are the team spirit and culture. I was made to feel so welcome from my first pre-season training camp. Being at WestMAC fuels my passion for rugby including my desire to be the best player I can be. I believe WestMAC can help me achieve my dream of a being a professional rugby player.’’